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 (一) 懷孕、曾懷孕(人工流產、自然流產或出養)之學生。

 (二) 育有3歲以下子女之學生。

 (三) 因配偶或伴侶懷孕、曾懷孕,而有受教權維護及輔導協助需求之學生。


Students who are applicable

 (一) Students who are pregnant or have been pregnant (artificial abortion, spontaneous abortion, or give parental rights to other parents).

 (二) Students who have children under 3 years old.

 (三) Students whose spouses or partners have been pregnant and need 1 assistance in right to education and counseling.


 (一) 彈性辦理請假

 (二) 彈性處理成績考核

 (三) 申請休學期間不計入休學年限

 (四) 延長修業年限

 (五) 保留入學資格


Rights to Education of Pregnant Students

 (一) Flexible leave application

 (二)  Flexible criteria for academic performance

 (三)  Flexible criteria for academic performance

 (四)  Extension of the study period

 (五)  Retainment of student status



懷孕學生輔導 諮詢窗口

Fill out the "Pregnancy Counseling Needs Application Form"  above online, the counselor will contact you.

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